
Killin' stuff with Sammy da Bull

If you don't know who Sammy The Bull is you should look it up. Let me sum it up for ya. He's a badass, toughguy, he got his nickname by being a good fighter. (That's at least according to some random individual who took their time to post that to Wikipedia) We have a little Sammy da Bull, she's a great fighter I'll give you that much :->.

She and I don't always see eye to eye for various reasons. But I took the opportunity to take her hunting with me last Saturday, just her & I. I use the term "hunting" very loosely here. It's basically just shooting at moving targets. A person doesn't have to "stalk" wild doves, you don't need to sneak up on them, you don't even need to wear camo. Basically you just wait until they fly near by and then you pillow them. PILLOW - When you shoot a bird and all the feathers go flying - "Man you turned that bird in to a pillow".

Anyway, it's a good, safe opportunity to take your child out "hunting". We got up early, got Micky-Deez, and got out to Maricopa ('bout 40 min). The shooting was hit or miss, not me, I hit everything, ;->, I mean the flying birds. At times I'd have 10-12 to choose from then nothing for 10-15 minutes. Sam was my Golden Retriever, every bird I dropped she picked up. She would cradle it in her arms and bring it back to me. I was kind of sad to see her carry 'em like that. One bird, and this isn't that uncommon, was still kicking when it hit the ground. It was floppin' around and it freaked her out, but it stopped floppin' around and she picked it up like a little trooper.

I was able to take the time to show her and teach her about cotton plants, pecan trees, how and why birds choose their habitat, and the difference between dairy cows and feed cows (no udders). She had lots of questions and I love answering them. When we came home I took one more opportunity to "teach" my girls about meat. We cleaned up the birds!?!? Actually this went better than I thought it would. Do you know what 8 doves will get ya? About 16 bite size pieces, or 2 skewers of meat. Better eat your veggies if you want to get filled up.

Here are a couple of pics to share what our haul looked like.


Hola I'm Jeff said...

Nice birds. The doves here have all taken off with the cold weather. That's a good bag

Kim Bringhurst said...

Mmmm... nuggets for dinner. You could wrap them in bacon, that would make the meal go a little further.

aaron said...

you remember that time, maybe 15 years ago, when we all headed out to the desert to shoot rabbits with the cousins? anyway, i hit a rabbit and was pretty proud of myself. what you don't know is later that night i bawled my eyes out because i felt so bad. sounds like sammy fared a little better.

Kristy said...

What a great dad. Sounds like a fun day.

ground-pounder said...

this is tanner if you cant tell by the blog name but after i got my pronghorn (see pics on blog) we only got to shoot at coyotes i guess jeffs right they took off