
Just give it up???

Tonight I had a softball marathon. I had 3 games this evening, one at 7 and one at 8 at Barney Park for church softball. Once those 2 were over I drove to another field for a league game at 9:30. Let's just say if tonight's games were a car, that car would have 4 flats and the engine would be blown up. I / we lost all 3 games. Not just lost, but got our arse's kicked. In 3 games I was only able to bat 4 times. I've had games where I've batted 4 times, these 3 games, not so much.

I will admit that I'm a person who hates losing. I don't love winning as much as I hate losing, so it's hard for me to see my teams getting worked over. I will also admit that I play softball as recreation, I know it's not important, but I don't like being un-competitive at anything. One needs to ask his self when he's batting 8th and playing right field on a rotating basis in a D league maybe it's time to give it up (Wow that just sounded really pathetic). Oh well, even if it kills me to see my teams get destroyed my dad always taught me never to quit. Thanks dad, your lesson hit home tonight :-)!

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