
R U That Guy?

Some of you may be familiar with a local radio program that features a segment called "That Guy". It's a satirical take on what some people do that drives others crazy, this is my "That Guy".

Don't you hate that guy who shows up 45 seconds before a business is about to close its doors. This guy has had all day to run his errands or pick-up the items he's intended to do all day, but alas, he comes in just before the employees are ready to call it a day. After all the employee's lives are far less important and uninteresting than this guy's minor purchase.

I understand that we all "run a little late" or have to get something just before a place closes, but having some consideration for others is just common decency. That guy will not only show up at 4:59:15 but then he'll take his sweet time making his selections. He needs just the right thing-a-ma-jig or his wife is going to go ape $*!% and call him mean names. So he better browse for 19 & 1/2 minutes, only to grace you with his hard earned $12.74.

After all, for the common worker to expect to spend a reasonable amount of personal time with loved ones and friends is unacceptable in this "eat-to-work" society. I mean, if everyday that guy came to your work late, and spent around 20 minutes browsing, it would only add 86.66 hours to your work year. These 2 weeks and one day of the employees life are FAR less important than anything else that guy needs and or wants.

So before you go to a place late in the day, take a quick look at the door or the window and check for their hours of operation. If it's right before they close ask yourself the following list of questions and avoid being that guy.

1 - How long do I need to be in this place in order to complete my transaction?

2 - Do I absolutely need this item(s)?

3 - Can I possibly offer an apology to the employees whom I'm inconveniencing?

Question #1 only has one correct answer. As fast as I possibly can! And, if you can't honestly answer either question 2 or 3 in the affirmative just walk away..., walk away. There, now no one in the store refers to you as an ass!!!

1 comment:

Crazymamaof6 said...

i listen to that station too. and think the "that guy " feature is flipping funny. but this leaves me wondering are you that guy? or the employee dealing with that guy.
sometimes i am that girl. and i always rush, and spend extra. just to make it worth their while. or so i think.